Q & A
What is the Japanese Hair Straightening?
Japanese Hair Straightening is the scientific breakthrough that made up for defects from the existing solution (straightening balm or gel, chemical hair relaxers.) for curly hair.
How much is the Japanese Hair Straightening?
$150 and up.
How can I get the new growth retreated?
Since there is still curl or wave in the new growth, later, the new growth is needed to be treated. The timing is vary depend on individuals hair type and condition. If your hair is less curly, you can get the new growth retreated 6 months or 1 year after the treatment. If your hair is curly, you can have it after 3 to 6 months after the treatment. Only the new growth and the transition between straightened and new growth is treated.
Note : It may cause damage on your hair if you treat the previously treated hair.
How long does it take?
It takes only about 3~6hours, depends on your hair (its length, hair type, hair condition).
Does it work for everybody?
The tighter your natural curl, the less dramatic the result. In addition, it will not work for damaged hair or any broken hair due to high light. However, in almost all cases the result is such that hair is far more manageable and controllable.
Can you color or highlight afterwards?
Yes, in most cases you can, so long as you make your hair color darker and that will vary from client to client. However, for the lighter color than your own hair, we recommend you to wait for 1 week after the treatment. For the hair coating (semi permanent color), It is good to have after the treatment.
Notice after Japanese Hair Straightening treatment:
For 2~3 days after the treatment, avoid using tight band to tie your hair. You should also use the specifically designed after care products recommended for the service.
To get the best results:
It is crucial to use the right products, the right technique, and most importantly, to choose the right hair salon and hairstylist with extensive knowledge and experience of this treatment.
How is the JCityHair different from other hair salon?
J City Hair specialize in Japanese Hair Straightening treatment. In addition, J City Hair has experience on handling difficult to manage curly hair that we built up since the invention of the Japanese Hair Straightening system. As you can see the following, The success of the Japanese Hair Straightening treatment is on how the iron’s Pressure distribution on each hair thoroughly. The fine ceramic plates that are used by J City Hair give a, silkier result than regular ceramic flat iron.